What’s Wrong With Office Leasing

In spite of the real estate industry pressing forward to adapt technologies to make buildings more efficient, the process of leasing office space remains mired in archaic practices. With the exception of email replacing faxes, which replaced mail and messengers for transmitting documents, the office leasing process has remained virtually unchanged since the mid-20th century.... Continue Reading →

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The Silver Lining of Parenthood in Quarantine

I see the silver lining of QT most clearly in my role as a mother. When schools are suddenly closed and all other means of socialization are on hold, we are our children's teachers as well as caregivers and leaders. This role is tough, but there are opportunities to celebrate. To me, more important than the schooling done through equations and experiments is the schooling of modeling compassion, forgiveness, listening.

Best Practices for Returning to the Office

Happiness is going to the office! We've all experienced a lifetime of changes during the past two months of sheltering in place. The seismic shifts to our society will require a complete overhaul of the workplace experience, at least until a COVID-19 vaccine has been developed and distributed. When we do start getting back into... Continue Reading →

The Post-Pandemic Workplace

Distanced working in open space The Coronavirus pandemic will end. When it's over, there will be lasting changes to our daily lives, including the workplace. Certainly a whole generation will be forever changed. Family life, medical practices, social settings, etc. are sure to be different when we find a new "normal" For us, the more... Continue Reading →

5 Ways to Know if Coworking is Right for You

Seemingly overnight, Coworking operations have blossomed across the world like dandelions in a spring field. Coworking industry experts estimate that at least 120 Million square feet (1% of the US office market) is now devoted to Coworking. The growth of Coworking shows no sign of slowing and some industry experts believe that Coworking could comprise... Continue Reading →

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